Ücretsiz Kredi, Mevduat, Bch Hesaplama ve Çok Daha Fazlası Bu Uygulamada
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3 dönüm tarlsya ceviz eksem nekadar verim alıtım?

Bu soruya cevap vermek için lütfen giriş yapınız veya kayıt olunuz.

8 Cevaplar

(119k puan) tarafından
tarafından seçilmiş
En İyi Cevap
3 dönüm tarlaya ceviz dikim aralıklarıni 8×4 m  olacak sekilde (en ideal dikim araligi) yaparsan dönüm başı 30 ağaçtan toplamda 90 ağaç ekmiş olursun. Ektigin cevizin de en çok verim veren chandler cinsi olduğunu varsayarsak 5 yaşından sonra ağaç başına 10 kilo verim verir. 10×90=900 kilo yılda üretim olur. Cevizin kg fiyatıda 20tl olduğuna göre 900×20= 18000 tl gayet güzel bir kazanç bence...
(22.6k puan) tarafından
Çok iyi
Peki başlangıç için fidanı falan tümü ne kadar sermaye ister?
(7.6k puan) tarafından
Yine 3 dönüm üzereinden gidersek, aşılı chandler cinsi ceviz fidanının maliyeti 15 tl, 90*15=1350 tl fidan maliyeti.
Fidan çukurlarınıda iş makineleri saati 150 TL' den açıyorlar. 90 Çukur için 3 saat gibi bir süreye ihtiyaç var. 3*150=450 tl de çukur maliyeti.
Su deposu ve damıtma sistemi içinde 1000 TL maliyeti hesaba katarsak,
3 dönüm ceviz tarlasının başlangıç için maliyeti= 1350+450+1000=2800 TL olacaktır.
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I ** a volunteer in Kherson region in Ukraine and I must admit that the situation has become extremely dire. The Russian forces are intensifying their attacks almost on an hourly basis, which has resulted in a cut off of all essential supplies and clothing. With extreme cold and lack of food supplies, it has become extremely difficult for innocent Ukrainian civilians to survive, most of whom are homeless. Internet and all communications are heavily censored and down most of the time.

We have been promised foreign aid by countless charities and organisations but in reality, hardly anything arrives. I suspect that all deliveries are being intercepted by Russian troops.

As a last resort, I ** appealing to yatirimciyiz.net to help Ukrainian civilians in the region with all essential supplies.

We would ideally need medical supplies, food (non-perishable or longer lasting), warm clothing and anything else you may be able to provide.

If you are able to deliver help, please could you send it to the below address which we are using as shelter for the time being.

Kherson State Agrarian University
Stritenska St, 23
Kherson, Kherson Oblast
Ukraine, 73006

Alternatively, we are also accepting cryptocurrency donations as conventional banking instruments are simply not available to us. If you do not have cryptocurrency, you can easily purchase and send it from Coinbase, Coinpayments, Coin Mama or alternative providers.

Below are the wallet addresses of our local humanitarian volunteer group:

Bitcoin: bc1q9uun7eny4t8pvlq7lmz39z9rr7rm3vw849hqwv

Ethereum: 0xa74cce7805342F10df39B698342380f58bB709b5

No donation is too small and will be most appreciated.

I would like to send you some pictures and video footage of the atrocities in the region but unfortunately, the internet is too slow and very intermittent.

I would be most appreciative if you could share this message on social media and your friends to raise awareness about the situation and lobby your local government to provide more support to Ukrainian army.

Thank you for you help.

Best wishes

Normand Bernacchi
Hey there!

Guess what? I've got an exciting opportunity for you that you don't want to miss!

I'm Annabelle, the affiliate manager for some seriously cool brands. Right now, I'm teaming up with Peaches and Screams, the ultimate online destination for lingerie and sex toys. Yep, you heard that right!

I've taken a good look at yatirimciyiz.net and let me tell you, your audience is a perfect match for Peaches and Screams. Just imagine the possibilities! One of your competitors is already raking in a monthly affiliate income of over $10,000. Can you imagine what that could mean for you?

So here's the deal: I want to invite you to join our exclusive affiliate program. It's super simple. You promote Peaches and Screams on your site and social media channels using a unique link we'll provide you. Whenever someone makes a purchase through that link, you earn a commission. And the best part? You keep earning from that customer for life!

Now, here's a mind-blowing stat: 8 out of 10 adults have used or currently use sex toys. And 5 out of 10 adults are totally open about their sex lives. That's a massive target audience right there, and it means one thing—big bucks for you!

But here's the catch: Our affiliate program is by invitation only. And guess what? I've already pre-approved yatirimciyiz.net for it. You're in!

Ready to dive in and learn more? Just head over to our affiliate program page at https://peachesandscreams.co.uk/pages/lingerie-and-sex-toy-affiliate-program to get all the juicy details and sign up.

But here's the kicker: We're closing our doors to new applicants real soon. We want to focus on giving our affiliates the best support and attention they deserve. So don't wait too long or you'll miss out on this incredible opportunity!

I can't wait to welcome you to the team and watch those commissions roll in. Let's make some serious money together!

Excitedly yours,

Annabelle Buckner

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1 cevap
2 cevap
6, Ocak, 2016 Tarım Hayvancılık kategorisinde Dost canlısı tarafından soruldu
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Ücretsiz Kredi, Mevduat, Bch Hesaplama ve Çok Daha Fazlası Bu Uygulamada
Google Play